Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

As I was getting a shower this morning and slathering on the "Sweet Pea" body wash, stepping out and spraying it with that shower spray, it reminded me of the Oprah question "What does clean smell like?" I know, clean doesn't have a smell. I get that. But not really. In my house, clean smells like Lysol and Clorox and Citrus and all kinds of other, unnatural and potentially harmful things. For every day cleaning, I'm all over the new "green" products (although they have a smell too so not sure what that's about!) but I can't seem to get rid of my Lysol and Clorox products. My mother-in-law passed on a note about a new cleaning product that replaces all your existing cleaning products. Of course, it recommends throwing all your existing ones in the garbage. Not sure that's any better for the environment. At least if I use them it's a slow seep, right? But maybe not. I want to be green. I try to recycle (alright, not at home, but at work definitely), I try to buy recycled or used, and renewable/reusable products. I mean, hey, I love the environment! I really do (I promise) and I'd be totally bummed if it wasn't around for my kids' kids' kids. So I'll continue taking baby steps - buying the energy efficient lights, used clothes sometimes, and recycle more. Baby steps so our babies have as much fun on this earth as we've had. Happy Earth Day!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The pool...

So I did it. Literally took the plunge... I decided today to take the kids to the pool. Which means I decided today to put on a bathing suit. So not pretty, but hey, it's for the kids right? We had a good time but the pool has all these water features that spray every which way and it was hard to find a spot to be where you weren't getting splashed in the face. Which may not seem like a big deal because you're in the pool - but hey, I wanted to control the wetness factor.

And now we're back and Ryan hasn't even made it upstairs since he had to check the baseball game score and I'm sitting on the couch watching the Internet and listening to Xavier sing in the shower. I wonder if he realizes that he's singing out loud because honestly it's not that pretty and he's making up words.

So I guess tomorrow I'm going to have to get serious about working out - for more than 2 days at a time :) so that I can go to the pool without even thinking about putting on the suit. We'll see how that goes!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


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This child is bound and determined to crawl! She's scooting everywhere and really starting to get into stuff. I guess it's time to baby proof.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ebay Anonymous!

So, I have a little problem with ebay. Or a major problem - whatever. I love it. I love the bidding, I love the winning, just the whole thing. And then I love getting my brand new whatever from some completely random place. I think it's incredible that we're connected even for just a minute as I take possession of some $4 pair of pants that would have cost me $40 in the store. Of course, my husband thinks that I don't NEED the new pair of pants - but really? How could I pass it up?

Last week I stocked up on tupperware on ebay. Smidgets and midgets - oh my! I'm getting ready to start Julia on solids. Should be quite an adventure. We did frozen slushy breastmilk this weekend. Her face was priceless! I think we'll start rice cereal this weekend. Just a few days shy of 6 months but I really think she's ready. She's sitting up in her high chair and she's loving the spoon.

I also bought nursing necklaces on ebay. Beautiful necklaces that supposedly help with her tactile development while reducing her distraction and the potential for biting me. She really seems to like them and I think they are helping. Well, with the distraction at least - not necessarily with her tactile development (is that something I should be worried about while she's eating?).

Here's a picture of one that I bought - very pretty!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summer Back East

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In July, we went back "home" to visit and Julia got to meet a lot of her aunts, uncles, cousins, and great grandparents. It was super exciting for us. There were a lot of folks she'd never met before and she and Xavier had a great time.


I love Hallmark's smilebox service. Here's the smilebox I created for Julia when she was 3 months old. I *think* she was just getting ready to roll over here. Now, at 5 months, she's rolling and scooting like a champ. We're getting ready for her to start crawling! Think it's going to be pretty soon.

Click to play Julia 3 Months
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